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Paradis de la pâtisserie!

Yas, meet this pastry heaven! Bakers Kitchen is located at Jalan Wargabakti No 2 near GOR Satria Purwokerto. It's kinda a coffee shop that has tropical-scandinavian concept, so it serves you comfiness though it doesn't have many large spaces and much details. Since they don't have a large parking area, you might be little bit confused to park your four-wheeled vehicle at the roadside. Talk about the interior, scandinavian style is characterized by minimalism, simplicity, and comfort. They combine this style with amount of plants so it gives a bit tropical look! So eyecatching! 

This is my favourite spot, i love it!

The main reason I fall in love with this place the most is they have pastries as their main dish! I think it is also the only ready to serve dish there. But you don't need to worry because they process pastries into many sweet and savory pastry dishes, such as danish, croissant, egg benedict, egg tart, and the others. I highly recommend you to try twister cheese cause it's so buttery and delicious! The pastry is flaky enough so you can enjoy the crunch, yum! Also, they serve bagel sandwich and the other dishes by pre order system.

The beverages they serve consist of coffee (of course since it's a coffee shop!), tea, and juice. I try americano but dunno what kind of coffee they use because it tastes so sour. But I'll try their signature if I go there again.

10/10 for the twister cheese! So delicious!

Interestingly, they offer all the items with affordable price! They only cost around IDR 15-25k for all the dishes and beverages. Sstt, they willingly give you free internet access too!

So what are you waiting for? Those buttery and flaky pastries are waiting for you to bite them! 😋 

For further info, just visit them at their instagram account, bakerskitchen_id
Serving hours : 10 AM - 7 PM


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